I hope some of you were able to listen in to the Diane Rehm show last Thursday, May 28 on NPR. Ms. Rehm and her staff always do a great job of focusing on relevant and important topics for not only their audience, but also for the American public. We very much appreciate her focus on drug price increases.
While the show primarily focused on overpriced “specialty drugs”, there wasn’t a significant amount of chatter on the issue of excessive annual increases in health maintenance medications used to treat everyday chronic ailments. I think it is important for more folks in the media to acknowledge that prescription costs for all drugs are rising by double-digits, and that this has a serious, negative impact on the American public’s health.
There should be a focus on what seniors and others on fixed incomes are doing to ensure that they can remain healthy and stick to their drug regimens. You and I know that for over a decade millions of Americans have found safe & affordable sources for their medications through online pharmacies based in Canada. In fact, about 10 million in that period have imported their prescriptions without any negative health issues. And the savings: substantial.
I think Diane Rehm would be a perfect venue to discuss importation and the critical health link it provides for millions in the U.S. If you agree, please support this idea by writing to the Diane Rehm Show production staff. This won’t take but a minute of your time.
It is time that we talk openly about importation. Big Pharma needs to admit that they are against importation because it hurts their excessive profits – and that it is not about safety, as they so-often claim. I think it is time to publicly – and in a big way – call out Big Pharma and its league of lobbyists that continue to push back against legislation – including S. 122 and H.R. 2228 – that seeks to alleviate this serious health crisis.