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The Campaign for Personal Prescription Importation (CPPI) applauds the U.S. Senators and Representatives who introduced and co-sponsored the Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act of 2021. This legislation was introduced on March 23rd, at a Senate hearing on U.S. drug prices, and would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to allow for the importation of affordable and safe drugs by wholesale distributors, pharmacies, and individuals.

“We urge Congress to act swiftly to finally pass legislation expanding Americans’ access to medications from abroad. All Americans deserve access to affordable prescription drugs, and there is no need to make them wait when the same medications are available at 50-90% savings from Canadian pharmacies,” said CPPI Executive Director Jack Pfeiffer. “We applaud the work Congress is doing to give people the affordable access they need to life-saving medications.”

In the Senate, this legislation (S.920) was introduced by Senantor Bernie Sanders and co-sponsored by Sen. Cory Booker [NJ] Sen. Bob Casey [PA], Sen. Tammy Baldwin [WI], Sen. Richard Blumenthal [CT], Sen. Sherrod Brown [OH], Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [NY], Sen. Martin Heinrich [NM], Sen. Angus King [ME], Sen. Amy Klobuchar [MN], Sen. Patrick Leahy [VT], Sen. Joe Manchin [WV], Sen. Jeff Merkley [OR], Sen. Alex Padilla [CA], Sen. Jack Reed [RI], Sen. Jeanne Shaheen [NH], Sen. Tina Smith [MN], Sen. Debbie Stabenow [MI], Sen. Chris Van Hollen [MD], Sen. Elizabeth Warren [MA], Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse [RI], and Sen. Ron Wyden [OR].

“The United States pays by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. This is an immediate health crisis that must be addressed,” said Sanders, who chaired a Senate subcommittee hearing on the issue. “That is why I am reintroducing legislation to drastically reduce prescription drug prices in the United States. The time is now to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry and say enough is enough. The greed of drug companies is out of control and the cost is human lives.”

In the House, the companion legislation (H.R. 2181) was introduced by Rep. Peter Welch [VT] and co-sponsored by Rep. Cori Bush [MO-1], Rep. Lloyd Doggett [TX-35], Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton [DC-At Large], Rep. Mark Pocan [WI-2], Rep. Ro Khanna [CA-17], Rep. Joe Neguse [CO-2], Rep. Ilhan Omar [MN-5], Rep. Jan Schakowsky [D-IL-9], Rep. Earl Blumenauer [OR-3] Rep. John Garamendi [CA-3], Rep. Chellie Pingree [ME-1], and Rep. Jamie Raskin [MD-8].

“Skyrocketing drug prices are hammering patients across America,” said Rep. Welch. “Lifesaving drugs, like insulin, aren’t helpful if Americans can’t afford them. Enough is enough. It’s time to end the monopoly and sweetheart deals that pharma enjoys at the expense of patients.”

“In the wealthiest nation on planet Earth, no one should be choosing between paying for their medications or paying their rent,” said Rep. Khanna. “For-profit pharmaceutical companies have been price-gouging us for far too long. Health care is a human right. We must make drugs affordable to every American who needs them. Proud to join Sen. Sanders in reintroducing this critical legislation, essential in our work toward building a healthier, more equal America.”

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